The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday arrested a Sub-Inspector (SI) of Delhi Police while accepting bribe of Rs 4.5 lakh from the complainant, staffer of Nirmal Singh Bhangoo's Pearl Company.The complainant had gone to provide .
: Saturday, February 13, 2021, 3:33 PM IST Some sort of surveillance : TMC MP Mahua Moitra asks Delhi Police to withdraw personnel posted outside her home
Mahua Moitra posted picture of cops posted outside her home
TMC MP Mahua Moitra on Saturday requested Delhi Police chief to withdraw security personnel posted outside her home, expressing apprehension that she might be under some sort of surveillance .
The Lok Sabha MP from Krishnanagar, West Bengal wrote a letter to Delhi Police Commissioner, SN Shrivastava, and Barakhamba Road police station SHO, asking them to withdraw the security.
In the letter, posted on her Twitter account, Moitra said three armed BSF officers have been posted outside her home since 10 pm Friday, soon after the local SHO met her.