it s mur dox s fox & friends that really helps transform donald trump from an entertainment figure into a political one. why can t he produce a birth certificate? there is something very strange going on. he would go on and talk about what s really going on with barack obama s birth certificate. the message is, here s an other, here s a black person who may not be what they seem. it was a natural synergy between what trump was espousing and what fox had already been telling its viewers for years. and then they get president b. hussein obama in there. he kicked his american flag pin to the curb. obama refuses to salute the flag. deep-seeded hatred for white people. this is the beginning of a grand scheme. the idea was that if you could speak to their fears, if you could make them afraid, well, then, they ll keep watching. that first time that we put him on, the ratings for those 15 minutes spiked. and the way it worked was, if any quarter spikes, you repeat
be done for american citizens. i think, when i was an intern at the buffalo news, in 1980, i would have been completely shocked at the at this sort of tone of the country, it s nothing i experienced in my career until the trump era and there was a real stark change at that point and what i was seeing and hearing, and the response i was getting from readers it was a sea change. i use a word in coverage for donald trump, that i never used for politicians before, and that was the word lie. and it was in 2011, as soon as he started talking about barack obama s birth certificate. it was five years later that the new york times first used the word lie.
and the response i was getting four meters. it was a sea change. i that i never used for politicians before, and that was the word lie. and it was in 2011, as soon as he started talking about barack obama s birth certificate. it was five years later that the new york times first used the word lie. it was about the birth certificate, but by this, time donald trump was the nominee for presidents of the republican party and he was finally stepping away from, not completely refuting, but stepping away from his claims about the obama birth certificate. what about that five-year learning period it took four peepers like the new york times to put that word why in their poverty? and when they did, it was page one and it was right there in the headline. there was so much hesitance
president obama telephones mitt romney, congratulates him for going over the top in the republican delegate count and over the top comments with supporter donald trump has created a distraction. you ve heard trump question the birthplace in the situation room, now romney is trying to move on. here s our national political correspondent, jim acosta. wolf, mitt romney has left las vegas, but donald trump is refusing to leave the campaign stage. americans are tired of being tired. now that he s crunched the number of delegates to win the gop nomination, it s victory lap time for mitt romney. get the checkered flag this new romney campaign video is all about the stars and stripes. we re united by one great, overwh overwhelming passion. we love america. we believe in america. romney got a call from the president congratulating the official gop nominee. the president said he looked forward with an important and healthy debate about america s future. the chat, according