scandal that has the uk in an uproar thousands of victims. this phone hacking crisis is escalating and getting closer and closer to the center of power. this is the most humble day of my life. facing widespread public anger, news corp withdrew its 12 million dollar bid to take over bskyb. james had been a step away from being the official heir. but he had made all the wrong z dec decisions, and he s essentially kind of run out of town. it is like a stick of dynamite that has exploded inside the family. ladies and gentlemen, my father, donald j. trump. most people think that the start of the trump political rise happens famously on the golden escalator at trump tower, when he announces he s running. but in our reporting, we learned that it truly started months earlier. in early 2015 rupert murdoch s office gets a call. it s ivanka trump. the ties between the trumps and the murdochs are deep. jared, when he bought a weekly newspaper in new york, the new york
it s mur dox s fox & friends that really helps transform donald trump from an entertainment figure into a political one. why can t he produce a birth certificate? there is something very strange going on. he would go on and talk about what s really going on with barack obama s birth certificate. the message is, here s an other, here s a black person who may not be what they seem. it was a natural synergy between what trump was espousing and what fox had already been telling its viewers for years. and then they get president b. hussein obama in there. he kicked his american flag pin to the curb. obama refuses to salute the flag. deep-seeded hatred for white people. this is the beginning of a grand scheme. the idea was that if you could speak to their fears, if you could make them afraid, well, then, they ll keep watching. that first time that we put him on, the ratings for those 15 minutes spiked. and the way it worked was, if any quarter spikes, you repeat
returning. bill o reilly who has been on vacation dismissed the accusations in a statement. that is the unfortunate reality many of us in the public eye must live with today. that statement a sharp contrast to a new york times investigation which this month revealed that bill o reilly hand fox paid out $13 million in settlements to women who launched harassment claims from bill o reilly. these women not only stood up for their rights, but they were then driven out of the fox news and driven out of the television industry entirely. it was only nine months ago that fox news chief roger ails was ousted by the mur dox after his own firestorm of sexual harassment claims. just two weeks ago trump defended bill o reilly, a friend of 30 years in a new york times