Many of you will have read the very recent stories concerning nothing less than “mushrooms on Mars.” Mysterious Universe’s Paul Seaburn put together a good, solid summary of the data so far. He stated: “What would you say if a team of legitimate scientists released a research paper claiming they have analyzed numerous photographs of Mars taken by the Opportunity and Curiosity rovers and concluded that there are mushrooms, algae, lichens and fungi growing not just on the surface of the planet but also on the surface of the rovers themselves?” Paul notes: “Dr. Regina Dass of the Department of Microbiology at the School of Life Sciences in India responds in a press release with: ‘There are no geological or other abiogenic forces on Earth which can produce sedimentary structures, by the hundreds, which have mushroom shapes, stems, stalks, and shed what looks like spores on the surrounding surface. In fact, fifteen specimens were photographed by NASA growing out of the groun
Any debate concerning life – intelligent or otherwise – in our solar system is almost certainly going to focus on Mars. After all, whether you buy into the “life on Mars” controversy or not, there’s no doubt that the planet is filled with anomalies. Chiefly, those anomalies can be seen in NASA’s very own photographs. NASA personnel are content to conclude it’s all down to pareodilia. That’s the phenomenon of seeing – for two examples of many – the face of a dog in the clouds, and the image of Elvis in a couple of coffee. It is a fact that, though, that some of the photos coming back from Mars