Live coverage here as long as it lasts on cspan3. [ banging gavel ] rules committee will come to order. And good afternoon. And welcome to another fun day at the rules committee. Today we have an exciting panel with two very experienced members who take time to visit the rules committee often. We welcome the young chairman of the Financial Services committee, the gentleman from dallas, texas, mr. Hensarling, as well as the gentlewoman, my dear friend, ms. Waters, from los angeles. And were delighted that youre here. The rules committee today will be considering hr3971. The Community Institution mortgage relief act of 2017. And hr477, the Small Business mergers acquisition sales and brokerage simplification act. Of 2017. And house joint resolution 123, which will be the second part of the hearing today, the continued appropriations act of 2018. M a brokers provide Necessary Services for small, private companies that are looking to merge. And or to be acquired. But m a brokers can face s
Several other measures, including u. S. Partnerships with mexico and can dand naming several post offices. Later in the week in the house, two financerelated bills dealing with iran. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. God, father of us all, we give you thanks for giving us another day. Ever faithful to your promises, we ask your presence with your people, now and forever. The sun grows dim and the daylight is measured, in the darkness phantoms loom. The eye the company discern as the distance cannot discern as the distance fades. Be for us light. Help the members of Congress Make clear judgments that will propel us into a blessed future. Remove any shadowy clouds so that they might follow the patterns o
Eastern on cspan. Find it also at cspan. Org. Well leave now. The house is coming back in for several votes. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2018] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the vote on the passage of h. R. 1153 on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 387, h. R. 1153, a bill to amend the truth in lending act to improve upon the definitions and fees in points connection with a mortgage transaction. The speaker pro tempore the question is on passage of the bill. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. Connection [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes i
Im going to provide a summary of our report to supervisor fewer on options of community banking. At the moment though, the slides are not appearing. I wonder if i might get assistance. Do you have a printed copy . I do and actually here we go. We can do it the oldfashioned way. Here we go. Thank you. My apologies for the delay. This was the report that we issued in december to supervisor fewer. It was update to 2011 report we had prepared for supervisor avalos, it covered some of the same topics, but it is different that we tried to focus on specific steps needed to be taken to establish a public bank. What weve done is provided an outline of the steps. There is obviously many more questions that would be need to be resolved to pursue that. So ill just start briefly with options for the city. There are commercial banks, thats what were using now. Theyre for Profit Institutions and theyre organized to provide a return to their private investors. Thats their primarily goal to maximize th
The Senate Banking committee where treasury secretary steve new chin testifying on the treasury mnuchin testifying on the annual treasury report. We called thousands of Small Businesses in the state of nevada. Hundreds were on the line, questions were asked specifically what this new tax bill, what do you anticipate your Business Practices will be for this year . 90 , 90 of the Small Businesses in nevada said they were planning on expanding their business. That they are going to hire more employees. They are going to provide bonuses, pay raise, and increase their minimum wage for their business. The 0 90 said they would do parts, all, or some. It wasnt a professional survey, i was pleased to know that what the white house and what your department attempted to do in december, i do believe were being delivered on what were seeing in the state of nevada. We have had south point casino, said its going to double its 2,300 fulltime workers bonuses. Fountain blue, developers, said they are go