Im going to provide a summary of our report to supervisor fewer on options of community banking. At the moment though, the slides are not appearing. I wonder if i might get assistance. Do you have a printed copy . I do and actually here we go. We can do it the oldfashioned way. Here we go. Thank you. My apologies for the delay. This was the report that we issued in december to supervisor fewer. It was update to 2011 report we had prepared for supervisor avalos, it covered some of the same topics, but it is different that we tried to focus on specific steps needed to be taken to establish a public bank. What weve done is provided an outline of the steps. There is obviously many more questions that would be need to be resolved to pursue that. So ill just start briefly with options for the city. There are commercial banks, thats what were using now. Theyre for Profit Institutions and theyre organized to provide a return to their private investors. Thats their primarily goal to maximize th
Mr. Poe mr. Speaker, i move to brulls and pass s. 534, the suspend the rules and pass s. 534, the protecting young victims from sexual abuse and safe sport authorization act of 2017, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk senate 534, a bill to prevent the sexual abuse of minors and amateur athletes by requiring the prompt reporting of sexual abuse to Law Enforcement authorities, and or other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from texas, mr. Poe, and the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from texas. Mr. Poe mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and , include ir remarks extraneous materials on s. 534, currently under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Poe thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself five minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is
Bailout bill has gotten underway in the last hour. A vote on that bill is due within the hour. Michelle carusocabrera standing by there where its 10 00 p. M. Local time in athens. And youve got a busy night ahead of you, michelle. Reporter yes, we sure do, bill. So yes, lets get everybody up to speed. There are crowds back in front of the parliament. Things are much calmer than they were about 15 minutes ago. The last ten minutes of president obamas discussion with reporters is when we started to hear explosions outside. Thats when we saw molotov cocktails being thrown. We werent surprised because we had seen some of the protesters show up dressed in black, wearing hoods, some of them carrying gas masks. Seemed to be a very, very small group. And we havent seen any violence up until now. We thought maybe tonight it could has been. And, indeed it did. You can see from the video were showing you, a round of fires lasted about 10 or 15 minutes. Right away. The tear gas came out right away
Regulation is 1. 9 trillion to 1. 9 trillion. These businesses pass on the cost of these regulations in the price of there products. Families are spending about 15,000 a year for businesses to comply with government regulation. I am sure that we can agree mr. Chair, the businesses need to be fairly regulated. But when those regulations are killing jobs that is just not right. Several years ago in aa highly partisan vote with very little republican support for 2300 page. Dot frank bill was passed and since then theyre have been mountains and mountains of regulations and rules designed to smother our Financial Services industry. One part of dodd frank is a great concern of mine the too big to fail regulation. Now, when f soc is trying to determine what bank and other nonfinancial institution should be designated too big to fail it means that the taxpayers we will have to step in and bail them out. We all no theyre is a huge difference. They handle their retirement the Retirement Savings
Regulatory changes, but firms are also changing their own Risk Management practices in some sense in some cases in a more conservative direction. We have seen an increase in algogh rhythmic and high algorithmic and high trading practices. In addition, in the Corporate Bond market, there have been increased reporting requirements that may be reducing the desired sizes of trades. And i think all of these factors could potentially account for whats going on but we have not really yet been able to figure out what the contribution of each is. We just have serious i think a concern is while daytoday and normal times most measures of liquidity seem to be roughly unchanged, there is a concern that in stressed situations it may be and we have seen some cases where its less available. Senator shelby in any market, you need risk and you need liquidity, do you not . Chair yellen yes. Senator shelby you dont have a market without it, do you . Chair yellen we do need liquidity in markets. There may