allowing credit card rates and leverage for those credit cards to be decided based on where the bank issuing the credit card was based as opposed to where you the credit card holder lived. why does that matter? because now think of it like waziristan for bank scams. everybody goes to south dakota. they holed up. get south dakota, make whatever rules they want so who cares what state, california, texas or illinois, wants to protect you from credit card scams. they have no rights to do so because of the marquette decision from the supreme court. they all open up shop in liberal states. thank you, south dakota. jack up rates. bad news for us. how bad? take a look at the rise in personal bankruptcies which started shortly after the marquette decision to effectively allowed all of the tricks and traps and rates and all of the things that we all know go on in the credit card business. this amendment from sanders & white house will be voted on tomorrow. it would make it such that the credit c
been the sucker for all of these bank scams? yeah, definitely. i think that art is really valuable to society. i think when art is at its best, it both reflects and creates culture. think that s the job of an artist, is to make these kind of statements of that s the kind of art that i m very much interested in making. art that asks contemporary questions and tries to figure out the world in which we live. so these, these issues that you re bringing up really interest me. and i think that it s true, i think thomas friedman would say that what s been going on lately, is that we have been, we ve been undervaluing the risk. we ve been privatizing the gains, we ve been socializing the losses across the board. from the financial world to the environment. to the food industry. it s really true that we have sort of given everyone over to big special interests and sort of the average american is left with not very many choices. we ve got our hands full. i think we can get this done. i appre
with fin who suggests we can get back to that cheap food. we have to get used to this and adapt to it instead of dreaming that we ll getfin who suggests back to that cheap food. we have to get used to this and adapt to it instead of dreaming that we ll get back to 2005. what might those policies look like? the first one long term is we have to get back to food science are we re boosting yields. and we can t have distorted government policies. like the corn subsidies. and ethanol. i m waiting for my first interview of an entein-it tell gept ethanol program. what about the bank scams? i m going to say that s part of it. last week we saw president trichet verbally company restrictive. so you ll see some of that fold if to lower interest ratenf to