The war in Ukraine has dramatically revealed the vulnerabilities of relying heavily on single foreign suppliers, following on from the COVID shock’s disruption of global value chains. This column presents evidence confirming the costly export shock for products with higher reliance on foreign inputs, and on China as the main input supplier, during the pandemic. In particular,
New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2019; pp xx + 295, ₹
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019; pp xxiv + 577, price not indicated.
Asia’s Journey to Prosperity: Policy, Market, and Technology Over 50 Years by Asian Development Bank,
Manila: ADB, 2020 (ebook),
The transformation of Asia from its status as the most impoverished region to the growth locomotive of the world economy within five decades is unprecedented and nothing short of a miracle. The achievement seems all the more profound when juxtaposed with a very pessimistic outlook of Asia’s development prospects made by Gunnar Myrdal in his three-volume tome
Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations, published in 1968.