A new paper refutes previous findings on the amount of CO2 released from the seabed by bottom trawling. The previous paper made significant headlines around the world on release in 2021, as it equated the carbon released by bottom trawling to be of a similar magnitude to the CO2 created by the global airline industry.
Bangor University research contributed to the world premiere of a television programme.
World’s Greatest Shipwrecks- Assassins of the Deep, was broadcast on More 4 on Monday 17 May at 9pm. Survey work carried out by Bangor University’s School of Ocean Science’s research vessel the Prince Madog, led to the discovery of submarine U87 which was damaged and sunk on Christmas Day 1917. The discovery was part of a joint research project with the Royal Commission on Ancient & Historic Monuments in Wales’s Heritage Lottery funded project: Commemorating the Forgotten U-boat War around the Welsh Coast, 1914-18. The programme explores three different German U-Boat wrecks from the First and Second World War with maritime archaeologist Dr Innes McCartney of Bournemouth University.