which donald trump controls might not be the best place to turn to for our country to try to address this specific type of terrorism. because of that, because of the president s alliance with white nationalism in this country, it has been interesting to look at these civil cases where it s not the justice department. it s the victims, themselves, taking it upon themselves to try to identify the terrorist groups that encouraged and organized this violence, finding them out, identifying their role in promoting this stuff, and through these lawsuits disrupting them as organizations, potentially bankrupting them as organizations. it is a really interesting tactic right now in large part because it doesn t depend on donald trump s justice department doing the right thing about these kinds of crimes and this kind of organized terrorism. and as we head into this weekend and this anniversary, i think it s worth noting that these types of cases are really on a roll right now. it s not just the
violence, finding them out, and through these lawsuits, disrupting them as organizations, particularly bankrupting them as organizations. it s a really interesting tactic right now, in large part because it doesn t depend on donald trump s justice department doing the right thing about these kinds of crimes and this kind of organized terrorism. and as we head into this weekend and this anniversary, i think it s worth noting that these types of cases are really on a roll right now. it s not just the charlottesville case, where they got that bang up order just today from that federal judge. it s also a new ruling today from a different federal judge involving the country s most long-standing and frankly most putrid online neo-nazi gathering place. it s a website called the daily stormer. it s named as an homage from a nazi newspaper from the third reich. you might have heard over the last couple of months that the daily stormer has been on the receiving end of some really
got that bang up order just today from that federal judge. it s also a new ruling today from a different federal judge involving the country s most long-standing and frankly most putrid online neo-nazi gathering place. it s a website called the daily stormer. it s named as an homage from a nazi newspaper from the third reich. you might have heard over the last couple of months that the daily stormer has been on the receiving end of some really expensive lightning bolts thrown at them in court by some of their past victims. in june, it was comedian and commentator dean obeidallah. a couple of years ago, dean obeidallah had written a column for the daily beast in which he had described a bunch of murders that had been committed in the first year of donald trump s protest by killers who had expressed white supremacist beliefs or motives. the column said in part, quote, trump refuses to call these acts what they are, white supremacist terrorism. well, the neo-nazis at the daily stormer, a