Speaking in New Delhi on the birth anniversary of Savarkar, the CM said some people were deliberately maligning the former for their selfish gains and out of fright that they will have to shut shop if his thoughts become popular in society.
The upcoming Bandra-Versova sealink will be named after Swatantryaveer Savarkar. On the lines of the Union government's gallantry awards, the Maharashtra government will also set up Swatantryaveer Savarkar gallantry awards, Shinde said.
Referring to the inauguration of the Parliament building by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Shinde said, “It is a matter of pride for every Marathi person that the new building of the Parliament of the country is being inaugurated on this auspicious day.
The sealink was earlier to be built by the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC). However, the project was later transferred to the MMRDA.