Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - Difference in the power of Police to register and investigate an FIR under Section 154(1) read with 157 of the Code, and the.
AAccess to JusticeFundamental right of Access to Justice - Abolition of OAT does not violate right of access to justice as cases will be heard by High Court - The fundamental right of access to.
Penal Code, 1860 - Constitutional Courts can impose fixed term sentence even in cases where death penalty was not proposed - "Even in a case where capital punishment is not imposed or is not proposed,.
AdmissionAny concession or admission of a fact by a defence counsel would definitely be binding on his client, except the concession on the point of law. (Para 39) Balu Sudam Khalde v. State of.
SUBJECT WISE INDEX Administrative Law Rules of Business - When the Cabinet constitutes a committee and the latter’s actions are validated by the Minister and the rest of the Council,.