In this episode, our lawyers discuss non-fungible tokens, better known as NFTs – including defining what an NFT is and is not, how to create one and post it to a marketplace, and the.
Ballard Spahr LLP issued the following announcement on Apr. 8.
Managing IP has awarded Ballard Spahr partner Robert R. Baron, Jr. its “Litigation Practitioner of the Year” award for Pennsylvania. Ballard Spahr partner Hara K. Jacobs was one of four other attorneys who had been shortlisted for the award.
The Managing IP Awards recognize the firms, individuals, and companies “behind the most innovative and challenging IP work of the past year, as well as those driving the international IP market.”
Mr. Baron represents clients in some of their most complex, high-stakes, and strategically important disputes. He prosecutes and defends cases at the trial and appellate levels involving patent, copyright, and trademark infringement; the theft of trade secrets; licensing disputes; the breakdown of commercial acquisitions and related investments; unfair competition and false advertising; and business terminations. He is the former Vice Chair of Ballard Spahr’s Intellect
Ballard Spahr LLP issued the following announcement on Mar. 1.
Ballard Spahr attorneys in the firm’s Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Atlanta offices have been recognized by the 2021 World Trademark Review 1000 (WTR 1000) for their outstanding work in trademark law.
The firm was ranked as one of the top trademark firms in Pennsylvania. Lynn E. Rzonca, chair of Ballard Spahr’s Intellectual Property Department, was recognized individually in the Prosecution and Strategy category for her “creativity, tactical judgement, and business acumen.” Trademarks and Copyrights Group Leader Hara K. Jacobs, defined in the report as a “consummate professional and top-notch lawyer,” was recognized individually in the Enforcement and Litigation category. Both Ms. Rzonca and Ms. Jacobs are based in Philadelphia.