against digital platforms which show inappropriate content or violate the norms. The top court also granted interim protection from arrest to Amazon Prime Video s India head Aparna Purohit in FIRs lodged over web series Tandav. It asked her to co-operate with the investigation and appear before the Investigating Officer as and when required. A bench comprising justices Ashok Bhushan and R S Reddy also issued notice to the Uttar Pradesh government on Purohit s plea for anticipatory bail in FIRs on Tandav series. The top court said that there is nothing in the rules to control the inappropriate content on these platforms and without legislation it may not be possible to control it.
The Supreme Court on Thursday expressed displeasure on the streaming of films on web platforms without any prior screening of the content and also cited some films having adult content.
The Supreme Court on Thursday expressed displeasure on streaming of films on web platforms without any prior screening of the content and also cited some films having pornographic content.The observation was made by the top court during the .
Tandav row: SC bats for OTT guidelines, says some web series show pornographic content - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.