iHeartMedia Inc. hired
Becker & Poliakoff P.A. to work on tax provisions and music licensing issues. Omar Franco and Bert Gomez, former senior vice president at Univision Communications, will work on the account.
PSC Biotech hired
The Vogel Group to work on policy guidance on increasing manufacturing in the life sciences domestically. Alex Vogel, former chief counsel to ex-Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), will work on the account.
Brookdale Senior Living Inc. hired
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP to work on reimbursement and regulatory issues related to assisted and independent living and COVID-19 related legislation. Kristine Blackwood, former deputy director for congressional oversight at the Department of Health and Human Services under former President Obama, will work on the account.
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Presented by the Household & Commercial Products Association
With Daniel Lippman
UNIONS MOBILIZE TO PRESSURE SENATORS ON PRO ACT: The AFL-CIO is leading a national day of action today, with more than 200 other unions, affiliates and allies urging senators to back the House-passed labor overhaul known as the PRO Act. The sweeping legislation would make it easier for workers to form unions and extend collective bargaining rights to independent contractors, and President
A long-delayed outpatient clinic for veterans appears closer than ever to getting off the ground. The Bakersfield Planning Commission is set to approve the project more than 10 years after it was first proposed in Congress.
At a Jan. 7 meeting, commissioners are scheduled to consider a report completed by city staff that examines the environmental impacts of the new clinic. The nine acre property would provide primary and specialty care for local veterans, and replace an older clinic on Westwind Drive. Proposed for northwest Bakersfield, near Olive and Knudsen drives, the clinic would have dozens of parking spaces and even come with a small walking path complete with shade trees.