The Karnataka High Court on Monday dismissed the anticipatory bail application filed by BJP Leader Madal Virupakshappa in the alleged bribery case. The court had granted him interim anticipatory bail.
There is sufficient evidence to show the involvement of BJP MLA Madal Virupakshappa in the corruption case, observed the Karnataka High Court while dismissing his anticipatory bail application in.
It said the man be released from jail on furnishing a personal bond and surety bond of Rs 10,000 each and he shall provide his mobile phone number to the investigating officer (IO), which shall be kept in working condition at all times. Delhi High Court Suspends Man s Sentence in Rape Case Noting Girl Misrepresented Her Age, Eloped Voluntarily.
Srinagar: A court here on Thursday dismissed bail plea of man from Gujarat, Kiran Patel, who conned the security establishment in Jammu and Kashmir into believing him to be a PMO official and got the requisite perks prior to his arrest earlier this month.
Having reserved the order on Monday after hearing the arguments of the counsel representing Patel and additional