it would have been a much more truthful way to handle it. frankly, i think it would have made people feel less suspicious about what s happening right now. the more we find out, the more questions there are. even with the testimony of holly paz, how it contradicts what miller and lerner said about washington s knowledge about what was happening. they wanted to stick it to cincinnati. exactly. the other thing she is reported as saying and i haven t seen the transcripts myself. but she is reported as saying that, that that in sort of rolling this out, is that it was something was being done by others. she is like, she clearly sets herself exonerates herself from this. she said, when we had any discussion, it was about a brand, like kleenex, but only one liberal group, versus 300, according to my last guest. from what i saw, she was trying to claim tea party was a generic term for political groups, which strikes me as
trying to keep the ugly details of the targeting from you, going to far as to plot a coverup. we have a washington times reporter here. good to see you. explain to me where the former director of the irs fits into the scheme of minimizing or keeping the lid on what happened, what was exposed at the irs. well, according to testimony given to the congressional investigators by holly paz, essentially, lois lerner s deputy at the irs in washington, miss lerner and mr. miller had discussed some sort of plan to roll out the unfolding irs scandal. miss lerner knew about it at least as early at mid 2011 when according to the inspector general s report, when she was briefed on it and essentially said, we have to change these things. so they rolled out this phony thing where lois lerner went to the aba meeting and got a woman
washington, the oval office is doing dealing with a landslide, many fingers pointing directly at president. more americans are questioning whether president obama is an hon scpefts trustworthy leader. 48% say no, he is not honest. and 48% say they still have faith in the president. that s down, of course, from last month when 49% found the president honest. but a year ago, 51% said he was honest. in april, just after taking honest, 73% said the president was honest and trustworthy. allen west is here. always a pleasure. is the decline in the president s trustworthy number is that part of being a second-term president? or is the president earning this decline? i think he is earning this decline. when you look at the things mounting. talk about benghazi. machine has to say, why was
syria, as well as the nsa and explain to us, that thing, like trust us we are doing the right thing is not resonating with the american people. they don t trust the government on the nsa thing. you can t have drive-by trite comments and statements. you can t have any more teleprompter speeches. we need to have a window into the president, into his heart and talk to us as the american people. i think you see his approval rating doub at 44%. by the time he comes back from this africa vacation tcould be 41 or 42%. of course, congress is 10%, it almost can t get any lower. absolutely. but you see a failure in washington, d.c. our debt continues to grow. the deficit maybe you are reducing somewhat, but the debt to gdp ratio is bad. and the economy s not turning around. nice to see you. thank you. the irs. there is more trouble. new allegations that steve miller was up to his eyeballs in