Good evenIng. PresIdent putIn wIll not prevaIl. The words of PresIdent BIden, who has been HoldIng Talks wIth SIr KeIr Starmer In the WhIte House talks whIch could pave the way for ukraIne to use long range mIssIles, supplIed by the west, on russIan terrItory. It comes as moscow contInues to warn of the consequences of any such move wIth Its ambassador to the un tellIng the SecurIty CouncIl that It would mean nato was conductIng dIrect war wIth russIa. In another sIgn of the raIsed tensIons, sIx brItIsh dIplomatIc staff have been expelled from russIa, accused of spyIng. The ForeIgn OffIce says the claIm Is baseless. Lets joIn ChrIs Mason, whos In washIngton for us now. Yes, good evenIng to you, reeta. The Central QuestIon here tonIght buIlds on those remarks from the presIdent. How does the west avoId vladImIr putIn from prevaIlIng In ukraIne . And there Is a subtlety of dIfference In InstInct, both wIthIn and between countrIes that are allIed to ukraIne, partIcularly on thIs Central Q
Those poor children, the victims. Lets take a quick look at a few of the stories on the front pages. It isa it is a varied bunch. The Daily Telegraph, the secrets of how five tory mps were felled, from a memoir. The mirror celebrates the life of Sven Goran Eriksson, the former england manager, whose funeral was today with David Beckham one of the guests. The times looks at the story, Volodymyr Zelensky, putin burns our city as west delays. The plea from Volodymyr Zelensky to allow. Any computer has died and i will have to read it from here. The ft, I Cant read it. An economic story on ft weekend. The Daily Express Prime Minister, please keep promise to change cruel law. Relating to assisted dying and the campaign to bring in assisted dying, Ester Ra Ntzen campaign to bring in assisted dying, Ester Rantzen has said. A surge in uk private Health Care as people turn from the nhs. Those are the papers. You can get tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who has come on the show. Alison, john and e
The last hour or so. We have seen a couple of charity representatives waiting outside, presumably to help the former prisoners as they are released. We have also seen Family Members starting to gather, and friends of those former prisoners, and we have also seen increased security presence. Shortly, we are told, prisoners should be being released in coming through these gates. Last night they had their very last night in jail before being released but there will be lots of Processing Today including talking to Probation Officers about the conditions and restrictions across their release, including bans on certain areas and curfews. There are concerns that many of them will be released homeless. In fact, 12 of prisoners released in the year to march didnt, and therefore there are more concerns about reoffending rates. But the government does say this is absolutely necessary to help ease the overcrowding in the prison system. I5 overcrowding in the prison s stem. , ~. , overcrowding in t