Shalini last appeared on Zee TV in 2021. She had major roles in well-known programs including Meet: Badlegi Duniya ki Reet and Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega. In Kundali Bhagya, she plays Shanaya, a seasoned fashion designer known for her upbeat and practical view on life. |
MUMBAI: Zee TV’s popular primetime show Kundali Bhagya, has been keeping its audiences hooked on to their television screens ever since its inception. |
Actress Shalini Mahal, who recently made her entry into the drama 'Kundali Bhagya', feels that it is a challenge to enter an ongoing show and make your own space, especially in the viewers' hearts.'Kundali Bhagya' has kept its audiences hooked .
Actress Shalini Mahal, who recently made her entry into the drama ‘Kundali Bhagya’, feels that it is a challenge to enter an ongoing show and make your own space, especially in the viewers’ hearts.