Little one the way in which you and with the wise one on the near learning outcry. And so on behalf. Of the law and the mobile home. Several days and any. Harm that come to one wanted to kill all and come all men and women in the thing left alone we are called one of the. Starving starving. 6 3rd. 6. This is the challenge then this strict in northern thailand the people here lead simple laws theyre friendly and very hardworking needless to say be in fashion forward is not very high on the list of priorities here but it is for this woman her nickname is cook and thanks to her new venture shes become an internet sensation believe it or not this tiny woman spent years working in construction and then in the warehouses carrying heavy loads and getting paid peanuts. Article and i thought our. Animal path coupons the way. Thats one cook decided to start selling clothes in the local markets but when things didnt quite go according to plan she found the creative way to minimize her expenses. G
On Election Night with the results withheld from major democrat run locations only to appear. Later and they suddenly appeared and they all had the name biden and were just about all i think almost all they all had the name but none which is a little strange i challenge joe and every democrat to clarify that they only want legal votes because they talk about votes and i think they should use the word legal legal votes we want every legal vote counted and i want every legal vote counted we want openness and transparency no secret count rooms no mystery ballots no illegal votes being cast after election day you have election day and the laws are very strong and that you have an election day and they dont want the votes cast after election day and they want the process to be an honest one its so important we want an honest election and we want an honest count. And we want honest people working back there because its a very important so thats the way this country is going to win this way t
Vice president s lives. As we face a primary Election Year and prepare for it, it will be an insight that all of us committed to. The second is that the speaker himself, our esteemed professor, william b. Crawley, who has just completed 50 years on the faculty of the university of mary washington. During that half century, dr. Crawley has contributed in innumerable ways and significant ways, certainly not least of all the creation of our renowned Historic Preservation program and the creation of this amazing great life series. But it is for his excellence in teaching that he is perhaps best known, and certainly to literally thousands of our students who have come through our halls. He has received our institutions highest honors in teaching, both from his colleagues and from his students, many of whom through the years have voted him as the faculty member who has made the greatest impact upon their lives. Dr. Crawley through these years has become a true icon of this community. And so
System is the worst to me also say that in the United States constitution voting is never mentioned at all. Welcome to our international this friday my name is mickey aaron and youre watching on t. V. Special coverage of the 2028 u. S. President ial election and its certainly been a nail biter as a vote counting resumed in case they do decide the outcome of this election a choice hangs in the balance with just a few states left to call on to both candidates claiming bell sees the white house. Its been 3 days since the election and counting continues in battleground states to determine the next u. S. President nevada georgia pennsylvania alaska and North Carolina all yet to be called well lets take a closer look at how things stand joe biden has 264. 00 electors that is if you include our zone no which some say is too early to call if it does go blue hell need just 6 more electoral votes to reach the 270. 00 for victory total trump on the other hand currently stands at 214. 00 well its
System is the worst to me also say that in the United States constitution voting is never mentioned at all welcome to Odyssey International this friday my name is nikki carrier and youre washing off to the special coverage of the 2028 u. S. President ial election and its not only been a nail biter and photons and resumed in key states to decide the outcome of this election the choice hangs in the balance with just a few states left to call on both candidates claiming those things the white house. Its been 3 days since the election and counting continues in battleground states to determine the next u. S. President nevada georgia pennsylvania alaska North Carolina all yet to be called lets take a closer look at how things stand joe biden has 264 electors if you include our zona which some say is too early to call if it does go blue hell just need 6 more electoral votes to reach the 270 for victory donald trump on the other hand currently stands at 214. 00 its a close race across parts of