president biden and the democras time for a change. a new generas are stepping up, not to be caret to be change makers for the amet what the future holds but we knn his hands. and with god as our e world that america is still thes and liberty will never die. thad bless america. governor sarah huckabee sandn the country making a impassionew leadership, younger leadership e governor s mansion in arkansas.o that but it s a strong speech. it s always a challenge, thea crowd there. you can look at so- sometimes that hadn t worked. marco rubio, there were a co. these are big big audiences, toe union address and this responseo be out on the road taking his my year traditionally the network n interview with the president ofe formally asked for that intervid an answer yet whether they are r not. we re harold ford, what? he should accept the invitatt should be continued, that was at young governor. if i was preside house i would say yes. there you heard it from haro. bu
radical socialists play book. f holding our economy hostage, whg for concessions to hold back spm our children and grandchildren.. he won t negotiate with speakert ceiling. it s not my way or theo trump supporters as a threat too get vaccinated. he also accused. maga republicans represent as the very foundations of our rep, violence, intimidation of votere it s estimated more than 300 elt all across america. this year. t