has something to do it with, too. she s not exactly secure in her position. so anybody judging her should just mind their own business because she s fighting for her job right now. but see then, i m sorry this is why this is a bigger segment. i have a situation where i was not making her money and i didn t have maternity leave and i went rushing back fighting for my job and had a terrible accident. so there s different pressures on different women which is why it s not an easy conversation. but it s one we should have a lot of. because it takes it to the next level as women make it to the top. i don t think can you judge any woman is what i m saying. oh, no. every situation is different. and so no one should be pointing fingers. do we increase the pressure on each other when decisions like that are made? it s a good conversation to have. if you re running yahoo, i m sorry, you re not going to be able to take six months or three months off whether you re a man or a woman.
pattern of rockets in gaza follow a familiar matern. the fire burns hotter and then subsides and never goes out because hams, the terrorist group still exists. i am curious about how it is different? how dow fight to win this time and what is the intentions and goal? there are two options. the first option i prefer is to fight deeply inside gaza and to make sure we take care of all of the hams terrorist in gaza. it is costly and long- term operation and eventually we ll have to do it. and the second option hit back hard and demand a yield. and then we would be back fighting hams again. i prefer the first option. what does that look like,
or did cantor just run a poor campaign? mark, answer that question a little bit. from what you re hearing on the hill among republicans, i m sure this is a shock wave, but is the message that of them are taking away from cantor s loss bad campaign? or is the message big picture problem, structural problem within the party? it has to do all the with the campaign. also with the fact eric cantor just wasn t a well liked person in his own district. there s been a lot of back fighting and back stabbing at the end of all of this, joy. but you talk to republicans, and they point to the fact that the pollster got it wrong for eric cantor. they point to the fact that he wasn t doing the handshaking. all the things that one needs to do to be able to win a contest. now, obviously, it is worth noting that there are a lot of current members on capitol hill who don t usually have competitive primaries, don t have competitive elections, and often just really check it in. what ended up happening t
qualified saying susan rice is unqualified. and he s using language that voters have just had it, they have had it up to here, sick of this kind of partisan back fighting and et rherhetoric and fighting. what she did was completely appropriate. it remains to be seen what john mccain does. i note, joe, i m curious what your thoughts are. john mccain decided not to go to a classified briefing on benghazi to hold a press conference to complain about benghazi. what does that told tell you about his attitude reaching out across the aisle being open and tolerant. nobody wants to see partisan pickering, the time for that is past. i think senator mccain s biggest concern was the loss of life, the fact we lost our ambassador. susan rice worked with closely and had great respect for. she worked closely with that ambassador, with some so saddened to know he lost his life and three of his colleagues did as well.
like business too much. but the economy is simply the product of all the businesses of the nation added together. so it s a bit like saying you like an omelet, but you don t like eggs. you know, to build a strong economy that provides good jobs will you meet the snare, overcome the demon in the woods, and actually get to the white house? and i think what to go to your point a second ago, i think what you say from what mike and evan have done, is that romney probably could have used in his own mind less of a time of testings but ultimately what does matter in a primary obviously is if you win, and zpt seem to me anyway, that the down side of this is that i think the independents who decide presidential elections are probably not coming out of the primary feeling particularly warmly toward the republicans. mike, let me bring you back in here, you obviously collaborated on this e book. i was fascinated by romney s gym ritual. let s take a look at president obama, mitt r