state why not name a special council customer come after him of the house judiciary committee part of two hearings this upcoming week on governmen jt s overreach. ohio congressman jim jordan onhe why he is still waiting for responses from the d.o.j., whico sent americans top law enforcer to ukraine this week instead.eric communist china hitting america from all sides the air, the ground, the southern border. yet joe biden is laughing it o off. you talk about children being taken away from their parents. my children were taken away from me. this should not be politicized. the interesting thing is that sentinel came during the last .dministration [laughter] for coming up for her white house advisor steven miller reacts off of cpac with president trump. we are now in a marxism state of minor communism state of mind, which is far worse.op we are a nation in the client. our enemies are desperate to stop us becausy ste they know wt the only ones who can stop them. spent 201
on this influence peddling story. you are not getting it. you re waitingliewng. on what fr request? all we have said is why isn n there special counsel for the hunter biden issue?ou a number of us k had acquired because these special counsel when there s a conflict. there certainly seems to be a conflict of the u.s. attorney he, investigating the sun of the former candidate for presidentpr current president is a spice in there special conflict? we want to know how that decision was made is not ams special counsel. we are asking. we know you ve gottens stonewalled james comer s getting stonewalletad and t oversight relistinhag a short black and think about that pigie will continue our conversation withan the chairman of the house judiciary committee here on set congressman jim jordan. we will be right back.e.