‘Why aren’t there 10 numbers from 1 to 10? Because seven ate nine.’ Something akin to this corny joke seems to have happened to the NDA sarkar’s calculations. Covid’s gargantuan appetite has gobbled up the.
In a post-Truth world, easily lies the head that wears a frown. The khela is still hobey-ing in West Bengal, and now it looks like BJP has scored another own goal. This time in a.
The lexicon is now a laxicon thanks to the cavalier manner in which we keep altering the way we use words. Old meanings are victims of ID theft. Parts of speech behave like quick-change artistes,.
All the horror, anger, anguish, the kindness of strangers, all the tales of doctors who never stopped trying and families who never stopped hoping all of it coalesced in that one call last Sunday.
Bachi Karkaria s Erratica and its cheeky sign-off character, Alec Smart, have had a growing league of followers since 1994 when the column began in the Metropolis on Saturday. It now appears on the Edit Page of the Times of India, every Thursday. It takes a sly dig at whatever has inflated political/celebrity egos, and got public knickers in a twist that week. It makes you chuckle, think and marvel at the elasticity of the English language. Bachi Karkaria also writes Giving Gyan in the Mumbai Mirror, and its fellow publications in other cities. It is a shooting-from-the-lip advice column to the lovelorn and otherwise torn, telling them to stop cribbing and start living all in her her branded pithy, witty style. LESS. MORE