My metaverse is currently less Zuckerberg, more Iyengar. What began with Zubin Sir culminated with Birjoo Sir. In the early ’90s, I signed up with Zubin Zarthoshtimanesh. The unlikely name was attached to an appropriately.
Every polling day, every media carries the photograph of a beaming first-timer holding up her marked finger. Mandate 2024’s too-hot days and too-cool dudes may make finding one as challenging as, erm, finding an alternative.
Grand ‘open-box’ sales mark all festive seasons. But nothing beats the ongoing ballot-box sale. Everyone is up for grabs; the greater the need, the bigger the bonanza offered. Here too electrical appliances are the most.
Like same-name snack, he’s been toasted, grilled – and now burnt Devi Prasad Kejriwal, member of Bombay’s toff Willingdon Sports Club, asked for cheese toast topped with an egg and diced green chillies. That personal.
Netas have little use for polit-family bondage ‘Happy families’ was a childhood card game. Real life seldom dealt you such an obliging hand. Tolstoy’s unhappy families, each with its unique version of distress, were later.