Bageshwar Dham Pithadhishwar Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri narrated Hanumat Katha on the fourth day on Tuesday at Taret Pali Math in Naubatpur, Patna. | BLiTZ
"Those (Bageshwar Baba) who are talking about such things (Hindu nation) were not born when the country became independent and the Constitution was implemented. Would they change the name of the country? We have 7 communities in the country and everyone has the equal right to believe in their respective religions. We never make any obstructions to any. We respect every religion and they are free to worship their gods," he said after the inauguration of the Transport Department s new building here."Peo
"Those (Bageshwar Baba) who are talking about such things (Hindu nation) were not born when the country became independent and the Constitution was implemented. Would they change the name of the country? We have 7 communities in the country and everyone has the equal right to believe in their respective religions. We never make any obstructions to any. We respect every religion and they are free to worship their gods," he said after the inauguration of the Transport Department s new building here."Peo