Actor Deven Bhojani, who is enjoying the response to his recently released OTT show 'Taaza Khabar', loved playing a non-comic character in the series. Deven has ruled the Indian television with his comic portrayals in superhit shows like 'Baa .
To add to that, failed relationships create a vicious circle for them where they find it hard to work on their mental health issues. |
With her curled hair, Christmas cap, and red top, the actress made her fans go gaga with her dance moves. She was seen enjoying the music and ringing in the yuletide spirit with full gusto.The
TV star Rupali Ganguly of 'Anupamaa' fame shared a video of her dancing to the tune of 'Jingle Bells'.With her curled hair, Christmas cap, and red top, the actress made her fans go gaga with her dance moves. She was seen .
Rupali is quite active on social media and keeps sharing updates of her life with her fans every now and then. Recently Rupali shared a picture with her son on her Instagram page and wrote, “I m a super proud Mommy THU THU THU What was important was not that he won three medals… |