Bollywood actor Salman Khan's popular reality show Bigg Boss never stops entertaining the audience. The makers have packed the show with loads of entertainment to keep the audience engaged. The show makers were able to do 15 seasons of Hindi Bigg Boss, which created a record in television history. If you are a Bigg Boss buff, then you must know that you have to bid goodbye to
With each passing, Bigg Boss 15 is turning interesting and exciting for the viewers. Rakhi Sawant had participated in Bigg Boss 14. Yes, she was among the top five finalists in the last season of Bigg Boss. Now, she has grabbed a chance to enter Bigg Boss 15. It is worth mentioning here that Rakhi Sawant entered the house with her husband, Ritesh. It is known that during the
There will be also an interesting elimination, if the buzz doing the rounds is any indication. If reports are to be believed, Akasa Singh has been eliminated from the show. She is all set to get eliminated in tomorrow’s episode. In the meantime, check out Akasa Singh stunning pictures;Ibb15 akasa singh eliminatedI bb15 eliminationI bb15 elimination newsI bb15 akasa singh
Bollywood actor Salman Khan's Bigg Boss 15 is receiving a lot of love from fans and audience. It's been three weeks that the show went on air. The contestants of Bigg Boss 15 have started entertaining the viewers with their friendship, love and catfights in the house. And it is also time for the second wild card entry in the house. Last week, Rajiv Adatia was entered the Bigg
'Bigg Boss 15': Karan Kundrra indulges in physical fight with Pratik Sahejpal, netizens demand his eviction - For the unversed, Karan Kundrra and Pratik Sahejpal have known each other for a while. The two were a part of the 'Love School' show.