hearing tried to censor him in real time over and over and, over again. you actually can t even make this up. we vd yoe got the highlights of that straight ahead tonight. also tonight, we re going to take a deep dive and look into the special accommodation that joe biden is now takingen s and needs as he is deteriorating mentally and physically from stairs to stages to the rigors of what should be an eight hour shou. four hou that is really like a four hour work day. and everything is becoming a struggle for your commander in chief. beco at is something way more troubling than biden s obvious decline for him and his family. there are now real and growing concerns that your president, the president of our country, ut is compromised. after months of obfuscation fromry is the fbi and the doj tt day 1023 form that documented allegations of bribery from a trusted fbi confidential human sourcey has now finally s
to all of these chargeevs and a and allegations as debunked. you mean you didn t lie to us when you said you never talked to hunter s business partners and the fbver talki to the relef the 1023 form as unnecessary, ue dangerous? anyway, here to break this all down for us, foxssary an lel analyst gregg jarrett, along with the editor in chief, use reporter, just the news.com, john solomon and former attorney generalin matt whitaker is with us. thank you all and m. all right. let s we now have the 1023 formh john solomon and you have written extensivel jy on this and we have a trusted fbi informant. they paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past, hired hunter is hired by burisma to use his father to protect this company from the investigation that was ongoing there, even though they thought he was dumb and, stupid and dumb as a dog,
facebook, ask the same question because that day that wa.s biggest story and people were wondering and these companies were wondering because as you pointed out, sean, they ve been prepped to understand the hacking leak operationoming. coming. it was going to involve hunter biden. here it comes. and they wan it comes inwant tof it s real. the fbi in the meeting with facebook. facebook says reals no comment.- so they will not confirm what they know to be in fact, what one agent kind of slipped up, it looks like, and confirmeo cod to twitter earlier that same day. important information. now we know that they knew the same people who were briefing about this hacking leak thing coming. they knew ahead of time and wouldn t confirm it they aheadd country in just days before the most important election. we have allowed the country to to have that story censored, which is exactly happened. story let me go to this other issue and what we now know as it relates to joe biden, the president, and
counsel. the chtf believed the payments made to the bidens illicit ine. nature. burisma executives. you know, anyway, it s not happening. anyway, we ll put it up on the screen in a minute. but, you kno aw, there are soth many allegations here. i m trying to understandan. i h mattal, how is it the fbi had all this information for a long period of time and didn t act on any ot acf. how is it they allowed the statute of limitations to pas s? how is it that that agents irsho whistleblower agents had to come out and tell us the truth and risk their lif tele and career? and an fbi agent had to dohe the same? how comeir took them to expose this truth? well, sean, you know, based on everything we now know, it s very clear to me that the fbi lacked an interest and a curiosity in actually pursuing these criminal investigations, both against hunter and against joe biden. and the question is why and who
president trump s attorney, had a copy of hunter s laptopd and that would likely be leaked. lo and beholdlikely b, the lp story comes out in the new york post and they all censored itano and the american people didn t get to see it. and a loplt of polls show it would have had a dramatic, drastic impact on that election . yeah. and so what we learned this week is that day that that tha t story comes out and that joe morris, who testified today, was the author of that store authory, the new york pos, the day that story comes out, the fbi just happens to bewith i meeting with twitter that same day. and in that meetiny. ing, someone from twitter, we got this from laura demello, head of the foreign influence task force at the fbi when we deposed her three days ago, that same day, twitter is meeting with the fbi, someone from twitter asked the fbi is the laptop reals th the fbi. some agent answers, yes, it is.l and then quickly, an fbi lawyer jumps in the conversation and saysy no further