they know hunter s dominoes experience. she chc believed the payment to the bidens were illicit in nature. burisma executives believe they had coerced. they were coerced into paying and hiring. hunter solar. chayefsky bragged that he had covered his tracks on the biden . yments the fbi received a lead involving cryptocurrency. fbi knew that joe s associates called them the big guy. the fbi began receiving information on the bidens as early as 2017. can you explain what s going on at the department as 20 of je and the fbi? corruption cover up protection racket? you know, we ve reported, sean, for years that joe biden s infamous in which he threatened ukraine into firing the prosecutor investigating burisma looked very much like bribery and extortion becausetoo hunter biden was on the company s payroll, pocketinn eng millions for doing nothing except exerting
facebook, ask the same question because that day that wa.s biggest story and people were wondering and these companies were wondering because as you pointed out, sean, they ve been prepped to understand the hacking leak operationoming. coming. it was going to involve hunter biden. here it comes. and they wan it comes inwant tof it s real. the fbi in the meeting with facebook. facebook says reals no comment.- so they will not confirm what they know to be in fact, what one agent kind of slipped up, it looks like, and confirmeo cod to twitter earlier that same day. important information. now we know that they knew the same people who were briefing about this hacking leak thing coming. they knew ahead of time and wouldn t confirm it they aheadd country in just days before the most important election. we have allowed the country to to have that story censored, which is exactly happened. story let me go to this other issue and what we now know as it relates to joe biden, the president, and
counsel. the chtf believed the payments made to the bidens illicit ine. nature. burisma executives. you know, anyway, it s not happening. anyway, we ll put it up on the screen in a minute. but, you kno aw, there are soth many allegations here. i m trying to understandan. i h mattal, how is it the fbi had all this information for a long period of time and didn t act on any ot acf. how is it they allowed the statute of limitations to pas s? how is it that that agents irsho whistleblower agents had to come out and tell us the truth and risk their lif tele and career? and an fbi agent had to dohe the same? how comeir took them to expose this truth? well, sean, you know, based on everything we now know, it s very clear to me that the fbi lacked an interest and a curiosity in actually pursuing these criminal investigations, both against hunter and against joe biden. and the question is why and who
he s not backing down the chairs, chop. summer of love, spaghetti potluck dinner zone where horace lorenzo. lorenzo anderson, senior s namesake son junior, was murdered. was we had him on this program . dozens of people died and all of that property damag diee andl the assaults on police officers. can you explain why we spent so much time in a in washington only talking about one riot?g there were 574 riots thater summer and dozens dead and billions in property damage and police, thousands hurt. yeah, well, that s why i m a little confused, sean. and your audience migh that be confused as well, because i thought that the left and the democratought the lefts and thei justice warriors, i thought that they stood behind these warr peaceful i thought that they thought everything was okay. so why are they so upset that jason aldean is showcasing it?
fbi didn t want to hand over that 1023 form. now we know what s in that. 1023 credible source, human source telling the fbi that, in fact, that that in the case ofi biden and burisma and hunter biden, who they thought was dumb, was being paid money becauseye joe biden was going to help protect them. joe biden brags about protecting burisma by demanding the investigator, the prosecutor get fired. he gets fired. hunter continues to get paidpr and thosece biden family makes a fortune in the process. what do you call that in ohio.oo congressman, because i have a word for it here in new york. yeah, we call it wrong and we certainly call it suspicious. and i thought what john stossel says the right word segment. sean yeah, well, i can say, well, you could say it. i ll say in a nice way. that s called a shakedown. that is called influence peddling. yeah, but i do think what john solomon said earlier, sean, where remembernfluenceng in 201s