A bill that will eliminate the requirement to give public notice when changing a name passed the House Judiciary Committee by 10 to 0 on Friday. Sponsored by House Rep. Christine Chandler, a Democrat from Albuquerque, HB 31 will, if enacted, eliminate from statute the requirement to place a public notice for 14 days in […]
Legislators plan on introducing at least three LGBTQ-related bills in the upcoming legislative session, including one that would amend the New Mexico Human Rights Act. New Mexico Human Rights Act Written in the 1960s, the New Mexico Human Rights Act could use a language update, according to Marshall Martinez, executive director of Equality New Mexico, […]
it s going to get a little worse tomorrow but not a lot worse, right? yeah. the wind is going to be a big problem tomorrow. we re talking about i-95 being wet. this is not a white storm for them. not a snowstorm. this is not for new york city, philadelphia, all the way down to d.c. but wind and rain and 41 million people trying to get some place on the roadway. that s the problem. i have found quite a few of these departures getting delayed. atl now 61 delays. delta to nashville, delta to new york. b-31 delayed. and i can go down and down and down. and the word you see over here is delayed. you get the idea. carol, about an hour ago, i had six delays.