Manohar Lal Khattar made the statement amid farmers protest across Haryana, particularly in Hisar, Sirsa, Fatehabad, Jind, Sonipat and Rohtak districts, against candidates of his party and that of former ally JJP.
As part of its damage control in Haryana ahead of polls, with Punjab farmers camped at its borders, BJP-JJP govt also announces interest and penalty waiver on farm loans
Amid multiple government assurances of merit-based jobs for the youth, frustration and despair peak in Jind district that has over
52,000 registered educated yet unemployed youths as lack of employment opportunities sinks to a record low.
Wrestlers Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia were detained along with other protesters in Delhi; several farmer leaders in Haryana were detained.