The film Swatantra Veer Savarkar (2024) is yet another one based on distorting the truth to strengthen the Hindu Nationalist politics, with an eye on the forthcoming elections. Read the film review.
Neera Arya | First woman spy of 'Azad Hind Fauj'. Neera Arya Katha, Story of Neera Arya, History of Neera Arya, Life Story of Neera Arya. Subhash Chandra Bose Azad Hindu Fauj.
Bhubaneswar: Madhya Pradesh government will take steps to build a memorial and install the statue of freedom fighter Veer Surendra Sai (VSS), who alon.
India News: As India celebrated its 75th Republic Day on Friday, Delhi noted that the number of freedom fighters in the city had dropped from 592 in the 1980s to