the most secretive candidate since richard nixon, accusing him of refusing to disclose his major fund-raisers. romney s campaign denying these claims. what is axelrod s m.o.? joining us is fox news contributor, professor of law and political of science who is the campaign manager for michael dukakis. susan. what is axelrod talking about? he s talk being what s going to be a really nasty campaign here. i mean, as you say, what he s talking about is the fact that democrats are trying to push hard on the this idea of romney isn t telling you who is giving him money, his super pacs are not being disclosed, he s not telling people who is bundling the money for him. then there is the foreign, you know, tax stuff. i think what they really are trying to do is push this idea that romney is not like you and me and he s out of touch. but it s pretty nasty pretty early. eric: this is from the same
down after finding weapons during a routine traffic stop. britain is on high alert ahead of the summer olympics later this month. police say those arrests are not connected to the games. new developments in the investigation into the decades old death of actress natalie wood. according to tmz, her death certificate has been changed from accidental drowning to undetermined. the body of the 43-year-old was found in 1981 after a night of yachting with her husband, robert wagner, and actor christopher walken. how sweet it is, tennis star serena williams winning her fifth wimbledon title. i watched it in three sets. this is her 14th major championship. congratulations. eric: strong words in the campaign trail. david axelrod, senior advisor to president obama s campaign, accusing governor mitt romney of derailing basically 50 years of work intended to make government more transparent. axelrod calling romney, quote,