and from the two aircraft carriers as well as our amphibious ship, the kearsarge where they launch from we re leaving to the nations to announce. they ll take refuel on the cat stations an at a timed on the slide. from there if they re in a defensive combat air mission, they ll stay there waiting tasks from the awacs aircraft. probably tank one or two times on station, always maintaining airplanes while one cap station will be tanking they ll keep somebody with enough gas to prosecute to push inland if they re needed to and probably tank on the return home. i would say the missions are on the order of 5 to 6 hours in length, deposition on where the airplanes are taking off from.
supplies. these are awacs aircraft. we keep them aloft at all times. they coordinate all the intelligence gathering activities and kicoincident wit them being in the air you re going to have electronic jamming capabilities. still in the picture here, we have that rheed jet, as well. is that a trainer? i ve got to say also you ll see some might see aircraft from denmark. there was a squadron of aircraft that just came in today. you might see them, as well. i m also getting this in right now. we understand that the area of this military operation in libya concerns about 100 kilometer by 150 kilometers around benghazi. a stronghold of the position. is that the key place to start, i guess? yes, i think so. and they might establish other ones also with corridors between the no fly and no-movement zones to permit civilians to get out