sensitive documents, the dna is conducting its own review. avril hayne said her department is looking into any potential risks to national security. another delay could be the appointment of a special master opinion on saturday federal judge eileen cannon indicated she is inclined to grant trump s request. she also ordered the dodge to file under seal a more detailed inventory of what agents took from mar-a-lago. while we don t know what merrick garland will decide and when he will decide it, we do know americans will go to the polls on november 8th. and while republicans complain about and question d.o.j. s timing, some prominent republicans also concede donald trump s actions are cause for concern. it s hard to believe that the justice department and the fbi would take steps unless they had something pretty serious they were investigating. we don t know the facts yet. he should have turned the documents over. i think we re all concerned about what might be in those do