Toyota Motor Corp said on Wednesday it will invest 1.7 billion reais ($337.68 million) to manufacture a new hybrid, flex-fuel compact car in Brazil, which will run on both gasoline and ethanol in addition to its electric engine.
The European Commission has prolonged for five years rules giving the auto industry freer rein to conclude agreements with distributors, spare part retailers and repair garages, with a new emphasis on vehicle-generated data.
that is that you i m actually on my way over there to you what is your name, sir? jasmine, oz monowitz. and within an, hour jasmine s montage ended up here, and the sheriff s office he didn t seem to have care in the world. that he was considered the prime suspect, in a kidnapping sheriff s detective howar cold conducted investigation so, let s just get this ove with what did you learn about him? he is a bosnian immigrant he comes from a very goo family he was involved in aut mechanic trade, has a colleg education. it was one or two classes away from a degree in crimina justice. this guy was no gangster? absolutely not. but he did match quinn description of her abductor. while he was not albanian, h did have an accent i just want this nightmar to be over but as monowitz said he had no idea why anyone, would be looking for him. - he freely signed a document,
Germany's auto industry association VDA expects the number of electric passenger cars produced in Europe's biggest economy to jump by 50% to over a million this year, due to rising foreign demand and carmakers ramping up e-mobility production.