that is your worst nightmar imagining what is happening to your child a note with big demands left by mysterious kidnapper who seemed to know all, se all. they are watching the house and then the victim hersel calls. her mom jumping into work with police, would hand over th ransom herself if i didn t jump the mone properly, that would be the en of her she dropped the cash all right but who picked it up that s where everything went wrong? that s where everything wen wrong. kidnapping case about to go way off script her story did not mak sense. what was really going on? i ve been a cup for 11 year and i blush when i listen to the tape a story with more twists an turns in the florida roads trying to find this missin mom. this case was not going t turn out like a lot of peopl assumed. thanks for joining us i m lester holt. whenever someone is kidnappe it triggers a race against tim as police often joined by th victims family begin a frantic search that s w
needed to ask for proof of lif during the abduction, becaus the kidnappers regularly allowed quinn to talk on the phone. and finally, there is quinn shocking debriefing, where she said she enjoyed having se with a man she described as he captor and i acted like i enjoye it, and sometimes almost did as one of its real later, say that he aim quin met b chance at the gas station, weeks earlier. something that was strongl suggested by the recording right now i feel craz about. when i was monowitz told different stories of how the whole kidnapping plot involved but authorities suggest th queen s motive was to get th
what s the chances that you and are staying the same hotel in the same, room at the sam time and not knowing each other what s the chances of, tha jasmine? he refer back to queens photo, and tauntingly asked if this is a woman stacey, that a monowitz claimed he was with the night cleaners of duct it showed us not, stacey but? it s her word against mine. no, it s more than that now how is more because we have independent people that i do you there s something more to, i and this one is not telling th truth, you need to be on the top that is telling. it and if she is telling the truth, holy bleep you re in lot of trouble but, as monowitz maintain you did nothing wrong, but not only, that he said, he could prove it he had a secret recording, tha was going to clear his name. coming up well, you can searc everything i own, you re not gonna find anything. the battle to get a hold of that recording and then, what it reveals. when you heard that tape,
that is that you i m actually on my way over there to you what is your name, sir? jasmine, oz monowitz. and within an, hour jasmine s montage ended up here, and the sheriff s office he didn t seem to have care in the world. that he was considered the prime suspect, in a kidnapping sheriff s detective howar cold conducted investigation so, let s just get this ove with what did you learn about him? he is a bosnian immigrant he comes from a very goo family he was involved in aut mechanic trade, has a colleg education. it was one or two classes away from a degree in crimina justice. this guy was no gangster? absolutely not. but he did match quinn description of her abductor. while he was not albanian, h did have an accent i just want this nightmar to be over but as monowitz said he had no idea why anyone, would be looking for him. - he freely signed a document,