shot yet. 84 million people who don t understand the death and destruction this virus has done. that s 30 % of the eligible population. 30% of people 12 and up who are just not getting this. and this is the up swing, the good up tick on i suspect that s because they re watching people die. and they re watching people in the hospital. and they don t want to die. it s unfortunate it s taken this to convince them to get vaccinated. maybe that s what it takes. i think one thing we ve learned here is in a way the science of the vaccine was easy. i think the cdc and others are having a hard way messaging this. how do we reach those 84 million people? there is a new study today showing that loot of people were refusing emergency transport to hospitals in the early days of the pandemic, even when they were experiencing life threatening emergencies. tell us more about this. some of these folks in the study were having chest pain and
amazon or some other investor to come in and buy up houses. and that s what s happening. private equity firms are booiuy a ton of houses, holding them, hoping for an up swing. i am saying the city takes houses into a land bank, hands them over to the current residents with money to develop housing. just like the fha this is public financing to revitalize a town and it is holistic. we re not relying on the private mashl market for benefits. we re hoping the people will get that once the houses revitalize, and we re using the federal financing akin to import export bank and other federal programs that are not funded necessarily by taxpayers but through bonds and treasury. it is meant to be a program that is self sustaining, like the fha was, the oshriginal fha.
gap, you need a neighborhood general tri fieing for people that live there to get a cut of increased equity. often that doesn t happen. often they re renters or there s no way to monetize benefits of gentrification. exactly. then those people are displaced to some other area. you see for whatever five to ten years when that gentrification is happening, quickly people are no longer able to afford rent, they certainly can t buy, have to move somewhere else. seen it in san francisco, new york, certain parts of the country. this is the problem with equity and income. if you don t own the place, you can t see the up swing in equity prices. let me ask you, earlier you put forward a program called homestead act for the 21st century, reference to a law abraham lincoln signed in 1962, that encouraged people to head west by providing them acres of
columnist eugene robinson. the markets reacted on the rumor that cohn was going to leave yesterday. they might react with some kind of an up swing, we don t know, that bannon was out. bannon was going after all of the so-called grown-ups in the white house. absolutely. i would put quite a lot of money on the fact that if this is confirmed that the markets will rally. you ve had civil war, you ve had the cohn camp and steve bannon and what investors have been looking for is for cohn and the rest of the group to roll out economic reform, much of that stab stylemied by bannon push back. on issues from trade to tax cuts, there s so much hanging on what happens in this civil war right now. if it is a case that cohn and his group have emerged victorious over bannon, that is incredibly significant in terms of how market leaders and business leaders look at this
one part catholic. you are arguing we have become more secular as a nation? where do you see that? in the water supply and the air. it s like where don t you see it? what causes that? we have driven got out of the public square. what we done is finances a force of seque layek secularization t rushes in to fill the vacuum. conferences like this show the negative statistics don t tell the whole story. there s an enormous up swing. it is happening in college campuses as well. you are arguing there s an awakening. haun should know. he himself is a convert to catholicism. i was like most kids in my high school. yet jesus christ follower.