A Sessions Court in Uttar Pradesh's Rampur, on Thursday, refused to stay the conviction of Samajwadi Party Leader Azam Khan in a hate speech case against him which had led to his disqualification from UP State Assembly.
The Supreme Court said the Election Commission can issue the notification for the bypoll on or after November 11 once the sessions court decides on Khan's plea.
The Samajwadi Party has written to the State Election Officer demanding the removal of Moradabad Commissioner Aunjaneya Kumar Singh in order to ensure free and fair elections in the Rampur Assembly seat where by-elections are due on December .
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan and two other accused were sentenced to three years in prison along with a fine of Rs 2,000 in a hate speech case. India News | Azam Khan Might Lose His MLA Seat After Getting a Three Years Jail Term.