the hideout of a living personification of evil. you got it stuck in your brain that i murdered somebody. charles manson. one hot, dry weekend in los angeles, august, 1969, a pregnant movie star slaughtered, along with four others in her home, across town a couple butchered in theirs. these were brutal crime scenes. things that the police had never seen before. reporter: murder so bloody, so ugly, they rewrote history. they became a kind of bookmark as an optimism ended. the 60 came to a close, 1969, that was the curtain the final curtain. who could make sense of it? are you sane? sane? yes.
valley wind left now to stir the faded bits, the rusted junk.d the artifacts from another time when this was ground zero for one of the most infamous crimes in history. t the hideout of a living personification of evil. you got it stuck in your brain that i murdered somebody.i charles manson. one hot, dry weekend in los angeles, august, 1969, a pregnant movie star slaughtered, along with four others in her home, across town a couple butchered in theirs. these were brutal crime scenes. things that the police had never seen before. reporter: murder so bloody, so ugly, they rewrote history. they became a kind of bookmark as an era of optimism ended. the 60 came to a close, 1969, that was the curtain the final curtain. who could make sense of it?
the artifacts from another time when this was ground zero for one of the most infamous crimes in history. the hideout of a living personification of evil. you got it stuck in your brain that i murdered somebody. charles manson. one hot, dry weekend in los angeles, august, 1969, a pregnant movie star slaughtered, along with four others in her home, across town a couple butchered in theirs. these were brutal crime scenes. things that the police had never seen before. reporter: murder so bloody, so ugly, they rewrote history. they became a kind of bookmark as an optimism i michigan ended. the 60 came to a close, 1969, that was the curtain the final curtain. who could make sense of it? are you sane?
faded bits, the rusted junk. the artifacts from another time when this was ground zero for one of the most infamous crimes in history. the hideout of a living personification of evil. you got it stuck in your brain that i murdered somebody. charles manson. one hot, dry weekend in los angeles, august, 1969, a pregnant movie star slaughtered, along with four others in her home, across town a couple butchered in theirs. these were brutal crime scenes. things that the police had never seen before. reporter: murder so bloody, so ugly, they rewrote history. they became a kind of bookpark as an optcism i michigan ended. the 60 came to a close, 1969, that was the curtain the final curtain.
over the years his name became synonymous with violence, evil. there is no need to feel guilty. i haven t done anything i m ashamed of. maybe i haven t done enough. i might be ashamed of that for not doing enough. maybe i should have killed 400 or 500 people, then i would have felt better. then i felt like i really offered society something. well, in august 1969, manson and his followers, the manson family undertook a brutal killing spree, murdering seven people, including actress sharon tate. there she is. manson was sentenced to death after a trial that lasted nearly a year. along with three of his followers, susan adkins, patricia krenwinkel and van houtte on the, those sentences were commuted to life when california outlawed the death penalty in 1972. manson spent nearly four decades behind bar, occasionally giving interviews in which he remained