Meter is becoming a scarce commodity. Hes just getting dryer and dryer and we need more and more water. Is omar earth, dying of thirst . Theres no water at home then its like be a pod with global struggle for water and nothing can be done. Thurs starts august 10th. Oh d w oh, ah. Very noisy, one of the most Sacred Places in india, mother ganges. Any one who bathes in these waters hindus believe, can hope to escape the cycle of birth, death, and reincarnation. 75 years after independence. India is a blend of spirituality and modernity. A country where millions of children are still forced to work well. Indigenous a displaced for valuable resources. A nation with growing global influence, both economic and political a country that promotes the merging of religion and politics. A place where hate speech and violence against non hindus are on the rise. Hi, is this the india that mohandas cramped and gandhi known as mahatma, or great soul, dreamt of in his teachings and visions. A man who w