0 about a conversation that i m not i m stunned that you can t recall that. so let s talk about afghanistan. the secretary undersecretary for defense policy, mr. kael says, isis-k poses a short term external threat al qaeda could launch attacks outside afghanistan within a year or two. do you agree with that? i agree that al qaeda has always presented and continues to present a persistent threat to the united states homeland. the question is what s changed? you say always. has any recent event changed the likelihood of an attack? i don t know. you don t know that we withdrew from afghanistan. i know we withdrew. i don t no if it will increase the risk from al qaeda or not. you are the attorney general of the united states. due to the lack of ability to have eyes and ears on the ground there was testimony and the unreliability of the taliban that an attack on the united states within six months or a year is far more likely after a withdrawal, you re not aware he said t
responded with a two paragraph e mail and fire only the person that wrote the article not the opinion s editor that sanctioned the article and crowd funding for the person who was fired that person was arrested in a violent protest of trump s enaugusteration. she is still employed by the university sanction paper. yea. all falling apart. thank you, appreciate it. appreciate you, tucker. gun control activists pressuring the attorney general of nevada to octave paddock s ra rampage. the attorney general be here next in our quest to understand what happened here in america s deadliest shooting two months ago. force force liberty mutual saved us almost eight hundred dollars when we switched our auto and home insurance.
nightly updates. appreciate it. well, the attorney general of nevada is participating, of course, in the investigation of the shooting at the highest level. he is here next to tell us what he knows. also, l.a., is famous for bad traffic, but never more so than today when illegal immigrant protesters made it much worse by blocking the streets in a country that is not their own. that story straight ahead. we are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. from scandalous romance, to ridiculous plot twists. (gasping) son? dad! we also know you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so we re partnering with cigna to remind you to go see a real doctor. go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. doctor poses! dad! cigna. together, all the way.
nightly updates. appreciate it. well, the attorney general of nevada is participating, of course, in the investigation of the shooting at the highest level. he is here next to tell us what he knows. also, l.a., is famous for bad traffic, but never more so than today when illegal immigrant protesters made it much worse by blocking the streets in a country that is not their own. that story straight
security, all hands are on deck. and everybody s doing their role and they re taking a piece in this and they re working 24/7 to figure out what happened here. and to give an answer not just to all of us that are questioning what s going on, but remember, this is a community in mourning. we have a lot of people who suffered. there are many who were injured are still in our community, and many loved ones and family members who lost their loved ones. so they re looking for answers as well. you know, and they deserve to get those answers. i m sure you agree. before becoming a u.s. senator, you were the attorney general of nevada, prosecutor for many years, how unusual is it for a mass murderer to commit a massacre without a manifesto or an other clear motive. well, you can hear from the experts, i ve listened and i ve heard as well. it is unusual in a sense that we don t have a motive or something