unfortunate. for most of us, if you want to influence the courts, you write a lot rubble article about it, and hope someone reads, it and they. don t you write it and the kiss briefing you have someone reads it and you know what side it. you don t buy a building across the street from the supreme court, which is what this reverend did. he was over $30 million for this purpose of changing the course of american politics and part of that project was influencing these justices and to do that, he bought a building across the street from the court. he got access to courts employees. this isn t what ordinary people do if they want to be heard by the courts. this is not how justice works. it s not. i was going to. say melissa murray, professor at nyu school law and photos of the wonderful eagle podcast strict scrutiny, it s great to have, you thank you so much for your time! thank you. we will be right back. back you know, it seems like hope and trust are in short supply.