let me ask. does the government overincentivize people to become homeowners. stho there is a need that focuses on renters. there is a role of what is the role of fannie mae and freddie mac. i think we have a function of securitizati securitization, but probably, it no doubt was a bad thing. there are other issues like changing demographics. we ll have fewer homeowners out of the middle class. we have aging populations that want to be renters and not want to be saddled with a home. this is the right time to be asking a lot of questions. it s been a long time, 1949 when president truman declared an american goal of a safe and decent house for every american since we had kind of a consensus that lasted for 50 years. now we ve hit this seismic fault
development program, he s done everything that every top economist would say to do and that he s taken nothing but heat. well, the communications strategy hasn t been good. bob is right, six things has he explained his economy? no and he hasn t explained health care. six things came online in the last four months chris, that people love each and every one of them. 25 years and younger cannot be denied for pre-existing coverage. seniors getting that checks. high-risk pool. yeah. small businesses, 35% federal tax credit. each and every one of those things, people love. we don t talk about. okay you ve got a lot of congressman up for re-election. up in bucks county. kanjorski up in wilkes-barre. carney s facing a tough race. up in mt. airie. you re facing a lot of storming out there. why are people going to vote republican in those areas? stho they re not, they re going to vote democrat. we re a little lazy. we ve come out in the last two weeks, all going to roll around in t
ought to go up. what about a compromise here? well, compromise has been very tough to utget, as you kno candy. but are you open to it? sure, we llalk about compromise, but we don t believe, i don t agree with mr. orszag or others who believe that a tax cut on the richest americans are going to have any effect on the economy. okay, then what in fact, weave 98% of america as you know tax cuts in the recovery act. stho a lot of people make th argument, look, this isn t going to create jobs if we f allow the tax cuts to expire for the rich. then why not get behind a payroll holiy? well, of course, we did on the fica tax as you know pass legislation that s invelllace tt gave small buness es, if they hire people who are unemployed, a tax holiday, as you point out. not only did we give that, but we gave a $1,000 bonus if those people are on the payroll a year from now. so we have done things of that nature. we ve done a number of things in the house of representatives to spu
ballots should be tabulated and released in an hour. later today we should have 15,000 or 16,000 more votes add and we should have a clear picture of stho won this race. there should be 5,000 to 8,000 votes left to be counted friday. buff we may know litter on today. know later on today. megyn: we are after he waiting a high-profile speech on iraq by the leading house republican in advance of the president s remarks date. minority leader john boehner is set to take the mic this hour, maybe after this gentleman at the american legion convention. the ohio republican boehner expected to talk about the future of iraq just a few hours ahead of the president s prime time address. mr. boehner challenging the president on whether he has done enough to insure success in
very good, good plan. i have to say, there are two things coming to mind. the field trip seems almost a little insulted from outside. like hey, look kids! a black rocket scientist a mazing. we didn t mean that it way. but. look oo. and there i is that is astounding. right. right. yes. and there is really at the end of the day, fifth graders black or white, who gives a damn about a rocket scientist? i d like stho you a picture of hugo chavez s shirt. no. and what i wanted to say is this is a deep issue. i m kind of impressed. they re in deep trouble right now. i just think this is yet another deep issue. it is. you re a disgusting man. i got away with saying that on television.