Planting a trillion trees sounds like excellent idea I read the recent news about the need to plant a trillion trees to offset climate change (“Feds spread $1 billion for tree plantings among US cities to reduce extreme heat and benefit health,” Sept. 15). This is a fabulous idea. Without trees, we will probably not […]
As the COVID-19 pandemic eased in 2022, local government inspectors who check the accuracy of pricing in the Marin County marketplace doubled the number of on-site inspections when compared with the previous year. The result was a 241% increase in items found overcharged to customers. In fact, there was a larger increase 281% in items found to be undercharged to customers. | San Rafael, CA – As the COVID-19 pandemic eased in 2022, local government inspectors who check the accuracy of pricing in the Marin County marketplace doubled the number of on-site inspections when compared with the previous year. The result was a 241% increase in items found overcharged to customers. In fact, there was a larger increase