Porkbarrel politics so these terms we have for the policies passed that benefit one district and ones self bases thinking about pay raises and it symbolizes greed which he does throughout the cartoons but i think that would be a great way for my students to sort of try to sort out what these metaphors that we use for the porkbarrel spending, where these come from and what they look like and how they are depicted. There is also a lot of them that use farmers and both in terms of how farming was changed so what happens when they come in and in wisconsin politics. The way that we decided we are going to add it to a question or the holdings if you will is to look up the body of the work to look at what information it will give us about the past. I always like to talk about the voices in the past. So, kind of cartoon collections. What a diary collection for the vietnam soldier does that help us bring a voice back from the past and if that brings a voice back then it would be something that
Gifting a tree after a Marin home purchase feels good I completely agree with Nancy Kubik, who wrote a letter to the editor published Sept. 30 urging support for a plan to plant a trillion trees. I have a suggestion for all Realtors in Marin County. Having been in that business for 40 years, I […]
Planting a trillion trees sounds like excellent idea I read the recent news about the need to plant a trillion trees to offset climate change (“Feds spread $1 billion for tree plantings among US cities to reduce extreme heat and benefit health,” Sept. 15). This is a fabulous idea. Without trees, we will probably not […]