violence reports, shooting involving these weapons often result in more shots fired more victims. that s why people are concerned about assault weapon bans. they say these are the guns that people choose when they want the large-scale attacks. when you look at the numbers from the johns hopkins center, you can see before the ban pre1994, this was a level of different assaults. like a pistol using a large magazine. during the ban, almost nothing. after the ban from 2004 on. look at the giant growth here. tricky, you have to bear in mind, as big as these numbers are, over this period of time, these are small numbers. so it s sort of hard to put together exactly the impact but advocates for gun control look at this and say, it s obvious a ban on assault weapons would make a difference. now, since the federal ban
this is about reasonable steps that we can take like we have in colorado and other states to do something about this epidemic of gun violence. red flag laws, assault weapon bans, and a number of things like that that have happened at the state level. you know, i read that you protested outside the nra convention in californolorado ae columbine shooting. you protested in houston after the most recent convention and there s a detail i would like you to explain to our viewers, that you wear your son s shoes. tell me about that and why. well, first, let me say, i didn t protest outside in houston. i wish i could have. it just wasn t enough time to arrange that. but yes, i wear my son s shoes. we wear the same shoe size and to me, it was very symbolic of how i walk in his shoes. i m doing what i feel that he would want me to do. daniel was someone who was
the country, they want to see a president play that script. by storming the country calming, and building the support for change. but again opening of gun violence protection, because a man, if you have these conspiracies take root on the right, a counterbalance. leaders on the left or in the middle, we really need to aggressively push against those notions, but also make a public case, and energize those 90% who support background checks, assault weapon bans, and other kinds of reform and translate that support into real political power. it s up to them, it won t be easy because of the systemic challenges you outlined, but voters will reward politicians who fight for them. eagarville ski, great talking to you again i wish it wasn t so frequent but i appreciate your insight on this
be accomplished, to keep tragedies like this to keep repeating every ten days? that s a key question, we need filibuster reform, we need to expand the court as we were discussing. but frankly, this is a long term average, we need to really rewrite the script, and voters i think certainly survivors, who i ve talked to relic ross the country, they want to see a president play that script. by storming the country calming, and building the support for change. but again opening of gun violence protection, because a man, if you have these conspiracies take root on the right, a counterbalance. leaders on the left or in the middle, we really need to aggressively push against those notions, but also make a public case, and energize those 90% who support background checks, assault weapon bans, and other kinds of reform and translate
to be done. this time the words need to lead to action. reporter: many believes tighten gun laws had a real chance of passing. they didn t pass. not a proposed assault weapon bans, not a bipartisan measure for expanding background checks. president barack obama was still upset years later. every time i think about those kids, it gets me mad. reporter: four years ago after a gunman killed 17 people at marjory stoneman douglas high school, donald trump went against the nra and called for sweeping gun legislation. we want to be very powerful, very strong on background checks and especially as it pertains to the mentally ill. reporter: that movement lasted about a day at the federal level. father of a parkland victim following the texas shooting on tuesday remained pessimistic and angry. it is so infur ating, because all of these instances, we know the next one is going to happen because we haven t done anything to fix it. reporter: one analyst said