two lives he s about to take probably. so i don t respect that. he know what he got coming. if he ever get caught he going to get a hell of an ass whooping. coming up mallory, if i had a gun right now, i would go kill him. another high-profile arrest puts the jail on alert. (glasses clinking) (ground shaking) well there goes the country club. the 2015 dodge durango. now with available beats audio. (charge music) you wouldn t hire an organist without hearing them first.
he know what he got coming. if he ever get caught he going to get a hell of an ass whooping. coming up mallory, if i had a gun right now, i would go kill him. another high-profile arrest puts the jail on alert. female announcer: time is running out to get the hottest deal on a new mattress.
with anybody. i may believe in my own set of personal values, but i mean i m not going to i don t hate other people because of who or what they are. but there is one type of person that joshua coffey doesn t tolerate. and now one week away from his release, that intolerance will keep coffey in prison longer. right now we re watching a video of an assault that happened in p-house unit. right here you see offender anderson walking up the steps and offender coffey walking up behind him and they re preparing to go into a cell and assault someone. well, there was a child molester that got mouthy with one of my buddies and, honestly, it just kind of escalated quickly, and he took an ass-whooping. the first offender enters the cell with the second offender, offender coffey, standing outside the door, watching for staff, to make sure they re not going to see this. anderson goes in and starts to
basketball. that s why i was sitting right there. it ain t even rocking. that s 0-3 right there. i m on a roll. coming up well, there was a child molester that got mouthy with one of my buddies, and it escalated quickly, and he took an ass whooping. an act of violence threatens joshua coffey s release from wabash. the victim gets up, and then they grab him, just shove him against that rail and begin kicking him and hitting him. let me give you quake look around my sell. let me show you what s going on with my cell. this is my bed here, you know, what i sleep on. this is my cellie rack right above me. this is where another man sleeps. understand? out here to the left is my sfx: engine sounds. introducing the new can-am spyder f3. with a cruising riding position and the most advanced vehicle stability system in the industry. you ll ride with a feeling of complete freedom and confidence. visit your can-am spyder dealer and test drive one today. the new spyder f3.
you see that? that s why i don t play basketball. that s why i was sitting right there. it ain t even rocking. that s 0-3 right there. i m on a roll. coming up well, there was a child molester that got mouthy with one of my buddies, and it escalated quickly, and he took an ass whooping. an act of violence threatens joshua coffey s release from wabash. the victim gets up, and then they grab him, just shove him against that rail and begin kicking him and hitting him.