reasonably directly to brett kavanaugh s wii. and brett kavanaugh would not allow ashley kavanaugh to answer that question. do you believe there should be an fbi investigation into these allegations and that a pause should happen, and you know, sort it all out? if there s nothing to worry about and nothing to hide, why not have that process, ashley, and then i ll ask brett. i ve said that all along and ashley, too. i want to be heard. i want a fair process where i can defend my integrity and clear my name as quickly as i can in whatever forum the senate deems appropriate. i really wanted to hear ashley kavanaugh s answer to that question. i m sure i m not the only one. but brett kavanaugh was not going to let that happen. and then tonight after the interview the new york times broke a new story about brett kavanaugh. and joining us now to report that story is the new york times reporter kate kelly joining us by phone. and kate, what are you reporting
committee probably going back to the senatoreselen in the 1960s. where there are matters of this importance there s process of referring this back to the fbi to fully investigate, reviewing any witnesses that might be relevant and put it in a file and present it back to the senate. that s what a full and thorough and fair investigation would involve. it wouldn t involve the sort of kangaroo court senator grassly is trying to construct. they outsourced the choosing of it to the federal society. they apparently have outsourced the communications to a grassly staffer who is working with a firm, that s been working with the judicial crisis network to run ads with mysterious special interests backing kavanaugh. now they want to outsource the questioning of this hearing to another outsider. everything s been out sourced. and we now see why republicans were in such a rush last week.
circus. jo i want to start with lisa, and lisa, what we learned from michael avnotenatti in this las hour, which by wednesday if not possibly sooner he will be presenting what he calls both a witness and a victim of brett kavanaugh. it sounds like he means during brett kavanaugh s high school years because he says that what she will describe took place over a number of years. rachel read in detail an e-mail that michael avenatti sent to the staff nmembers, who you kno the staff members on the senate judiciary committee about what information he has because they inquired of him what information he has. i m going to do a short reading of it, lisa, and i m going to get all your reactions how you expect the counsel to deal with this. michael avenatti suggested to the committee they ask brett kavanaugh even in private in
of the important things for senator collins where she stood in this nomination. she said dr. ford needed to be heard, but she said she was at that point again, this was before these new allegations. but at that point she said she was about 45% of the way towards a yes for brett kavanaugh. again, she d come to a firm conclusion that he would not, not overturn roe v. wade which of course is not the conclusion of an awful lot of people in the world including some republicans. so i thought this was a woman just knowing the body language and knowing susan collin s history, this was a woman who did not know. to chuck grassly s point tonight one of the things they were talking ability was the committee s intention to bring
of that are included in the new yorker article. and so with the kavanaugh nominations sinking fast by sunday night donald trump apparently decided that monday morning was the day for a show of confidence by republicans, even though republicans are not confident that brett kavanaugh will be confirmed. there s a chance that this could be one of the single most unfair, unjust things to happen to a candidate for anything. but i am with judge kavanaugh, and i look forward to a vote. donald trump and all republicans are always conveniently forgetting the historic unfairness of mitch mcconnell and senate republicans delivered to merit garland the supreme court nominee for obama who was never given a hearing. republicans left that supreme court seat vacant for year. and mast mind of the republican strategy said this today. i want to make it perfectly clear, mr. president, judge